Thursday, August 25, 2016

Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.

Jewish rites. Jokers and poker players, cum suckers, snakes in dens, sinners and saints, frogs to date.Wishes and stars, lights to shine bright, stars in darkness. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales. Free Rides: Nothing for free.  Jokers and players to date, fruits and nuts, part of the home movies. Gifts of film, joys and pleasures, party and pay. Frogs and snakes, in the wind, branches of peace under the dogwood trees. Green Again: Blue knights, stars bright, wishes on stars so high, heavens open, tears of joy and laughter. Jokers to the left, clowns to the right, wishes, hopes and desires stuck in the middle. North Dakota officer dies after being shot in standoff:

Names, labels, and views not shared with the masses, searching for a way to stop the views that do not match the stories told inside the family, inside circle of friends, that know different parts of the story, and fingers point in and fingers point out to the blacks, Mexicans and the working classes.Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.   Labels tell the story of the nature of the beasts that are out and in play on the beaches, in the colleges of hard knocks, and in the schools for fools, frogs, and reptiles that are not attorneys, and the blame game is in full force.

Excuses for everything that has happen to them, is the dream life of truthfulness and honesty with a twist, and bend just a bit for the shakes of whites, and the shades of gray and white, and dashes of the blackness, that hides within the seven snakes that are still within the devils here on earth, another excuse for odd behaviors and deeds done.Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.   The signs of lies given with statements to concur the tales created to get even for the dirty deeds and the dirty acts done with the consent of the family members, and gifts from gods, or the Queen of England, by way of transplants Sima, Steven, Paul, Charley R., Charles E., and Charles R., Jackie, to include those alive and deceased in October 2014.

 Airs given as a rite of passage, and as gifts to mankind all over the world, junk men and junk women, of 2014 and to the start, before Steven Jay Jarrot was begat by parents Paul and Sima Jarrot, in Cuba the land of dreams to action, right? Dream life on one hand, life in hell on the other hand, flip the coin for a better daze on earth now. Open Doors, Mice And Mice, Great Living Hits....Angels, fairies, and pixies are the girls that I know, every day earth angels, for the smiles, for the joys and the laughter of the friends on the side lines. Friends, family members, saints and sinners at the forks in the road, take the high road, not the easy roads. Sails on the boats of the seas of changes, butterflies out for the colors of the sunny dazes on the shores. 

Hope for the best, and get ready for the pits in the bowls of cherries. Lemons for the sugar and spices for the girls to make the most of the bumps in the road, and drinks made of the lemons, dodging the rocks under the sands of time.To grow, to expand, to excuse the hard knocks. Sorrows and tears to fall in seas of tears, stars to shine, to make things right. 

Moot, in the end, and the views to be kept in the houses only of the choose few that live and sing songs, about the charms and wits that are given as gifts of peace and love by the sea, RV Campers and cheaters, thieves, and blazers for lost causes, and have fingers in place to point at others for the reasons that shame and disgraces were acts or deeds to turn the other face and put another mask on for the seasons to come. Time is a wheel, and time does not stop for looks, charms or grasses that are greener for the cattle, bison, and buffs around and around the wheels turns, and the wheels do stop going around in time, not time it never stops. Hope hops daily to wishes, prayers, desires, and peace and love by the sea, with touches of laughter, hope, and happiness to follow the jokes on family members, friends and foes. Why not, turn the page, and write another book on the super sized-stars that have lights on or lights off, not sure are you?


Love and hate, goats and sheep, horns of a goat, games in the grass. Life and luck, lots of love, hats and horns to wear. Games in the life of a goat, balls in the air, sheep to fields, life on grass. Notes and history of sheep and wolves, dances in the sun for dazes, party and play, dungs of dogs, bitches in heat, life of love and devotions, goats and sheep, snakes in the grass, life on a hill. Jackasses and donkeys, cows to cattle, bulls and dykes, herds of monkeys to dodge.Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.  

Steven and Rachel Jarrot, one of the same, freaks out to rob you blind, looks and oral talents to sell, tricks and trades all day long. Ways to grow, ways to expand, ways to blame others for dump luck. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.  Cards to flip, coins on hand, tricks with dogs, trades with bitches in heat, cheap tricks, Sima and Sheri Jarrot, still sucking dicks, for a buck or two, life lessons to teach, Jewish Land Whale Style, looks and charms for snakes in dens. Glory days done, trips to hell over and done, happy dazes again, over the rainbows. Goats and sheep will play, good times, sunny and bright dazes ahead. Pages to turn. 

New games to party and play life away, Seven Snakes, fake friend, cheats, lies, and rob from disable people for the love of cash, for the love of golden cattle, Rocky and Rachel Jarrot-UCLA Butch, condo for girl on girl party and play parties on Fridays, twice a week for donkeys, mules, and asses in hills of Riverside-Charles E., and Paul Jarrot, donkeys and asses again....Prince September 04, 1962 Steven Jay Jarrot : 83458 Tropical Whisper CT, Indio, CA. Owner/Consultant; and play, Thursdays for the rest of the year. Sex toys for sale, 2 fist contest up Steven's Ass, winners nightly. cum tasteful pleasures.

They are either blessings or a lesson. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales. Have you decided yet what you presence is needed for today? I have a point of view that I will take..Joys and pains, extra loads, big and wide, hearts over worked, good time, lots of food for fun. Lots of food for treats, lots of food for rewards, to eat more and get fat. Habits to changes, views to change, games played to changes, things to write about to changes, lots of tales online, history to note.  Now changes have been made, lives goes on, live and learn, lessons every day, hopes and dreams in actions, views and noses, 12 ways to see the truth, twisted, bent and crossed, not to count, animals under the skin. Lights to shine, ships to sail, mountains to climb, life goes on. Books and blogs, tips and tales, stories written, and spread, hopes and love, lights to shine, history of frogs, freaks, and snakes.

Tale about Jewish Army 2005, and me for sure or Rocky the Fag Hag 2, and the thrills in being part of this clan. Ways to grow, ways to keep the lights on, ways to keep the lessons on top, lovers and haters, faces of dogs. Faces of crooks, faces of liars, faces of crooks, faces of frogs to keep, pages to turn. Who could ask for more, part of the Jewish Army 2005, or a Cow to Buffalo for the wise and the wick?Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.  

Angels on earth, earth angels to see, dates to courts, dates to beaches, dates to ride for nothing, once a week,  not every day, ways to get there.  Hopes and hands out to teach, hands out to lead, hands out to bring a little sun with the rain. Joys and pains bumps in the road, roads to travel, hits and misses, trips to the other sides.  Rides for free, over time, over space, James Bush, buses to get there, air works fine, dances in the sunshine. Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. [Micah 7:8].....

The Prison Letters of a Demoniac...Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.  ..…/charity-draft-matthew…Timothy Ross, a 27-year old prisoner, having been incarcerated since age 17 [release date: January 3, 2018], wrote this to Matthew 25:36 Ministries:“I’m going through some trying times and I feel as if God has given up on me. I pray night and day. I pray so hard that I cry. But I feel as if my prayers are a waste of time. I feel alone and broken and ask God to take the anguish.”This letter is my response, having taken on his concerns as my own.

Pages to turn, glory dazes done, happy notes, with tips how to learn..."Treat me like I'm a bad girl even when im being good. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.  To you! I don't want you to thank. Me you can just Thank Me‼. Last show is Sydney! . ‪#‎rebelhearttour‬" -Madonna...Ardnas Zepol.....Omg te puedo sobar???sería un placer!!! Jijijijiji...2012 Reunion - Walls, Jails And Prisons, Walls for knights to guard. Nightmares to deal with the fake friends that leave you to swing in the wind, happy to save their own skin, happy to keep heads in the sand. Gifts and talents runs to good looks, lack of brains, with lots of tickets for trains, and free plane rides. Hell hounds here on earth, gifts from the center of the earth, gifts from the fake friends, lies for the truth and honesty with rose color glasses. Mistakes made with the whales on land, mistakes made with the fairies, mistakes made with the frogs and the fools.

 White Jewish Sluts, tricks with snakes, frogs and monkeys, tails in the air, history of love and hate, horns to sound, love and hate, coins to flip. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.  The first two times around were done for the wrong reasons, marriage mistakes, with the older angel who saw the frog or snake in grass-Steven Jarrot, whales out of water, have to go, fishing for a new wife. Rach Jay, Rach Gay Jarrot, Rachel Freak Jarrot, faces on coins, faces on cards, dykes to play, lovers or haters, hard to say, games to play, fingers in the air, American Birds. 

7608512267- Sheri -fag hag in Uplands now, and the cow to pick up buffalo girl at the airports, and the charm was good enough for those two. Others also left that snake in the grass, homeless in a RV on the beaches for last ten years, dream life of hardship for frogs to match, of course. Very loving, Caring, Honest and Affectionate American/Cuban Man. Enjoy Music. Movies, Camping in a RV of course. I’m a man with a good heart love to share. The perfect girl for me would have to be Honest, … licked by oral specialist, of late night craigslist………Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.  

Lyon Sacks of Shit:Views of frogs, mirror to check, hearts of goals, hearts of love, hearts to heat, frogs to date, frog times. Green times, high times, frogs and snakes, monkey years 2016, last one to run into, forgot about it, 1992, monkeys to check. Taking shits, talking shit, toads and army of frogs, dates to set, views in toilet, floating charms. Shit to take, shit to talk, shit to write, good times, frog tales, shits of green. Blue dreams, dreams of shit, shit how big, views in the water. Steven Jarrot, 7608512267, hell hound, oral expert, to share, to trade, to barter, for cash, day jobs.Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.  

Nightmares to deal with the fake friends that leave you to swing in the wind, happy to save their own skin, happy to keep heads in the sand. Gifts and talents runs to good look...Steal from mental veterans, sad and blue land whales. Crooks and robbers, Steven Jarrot: 7608512267 Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.  Best Buys Crook, 562 431 5026. times with asses. Hills of Donkeys....The big bang is open dated to be completed when seasoned, the wrongs and the rights, the high road choices, the fast and easy choices to be noted, a time and a season. Stars Shines: Day Terrors : Race Completed: Targets Adjusted Hell on Earth :Jewish White-Super-sized: Snakes in the den.Seven Snakes within each clan member.

Image result for sinners in hell

 Life  Is A Beach, Suns To Set, Daily Events. Happy holidays, joy to the world, hands out to help others. Joy to the world, good times.Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales. .Learn Faster, Work Smarter, Concentrate Harder! Enhance Your Mental Power!🔥🔥🙌

Gifts of white skin, snakes in dens, jackasses in the hills, seconds to holler, snakes on sticks, balls and sticks, fires still burning on the sands of time. Rocks and stones, seven days to work, seven snakes in the dark, monkeys to swing in packs, into the woods, under the dogwood trees. Jokers and players to date. Blue knights, stars bright, wishes on stars so high, heavens open, tears of joy and laughter. Jokers to the left, clowns to the right, wishes, hopes and desires stuck in the middle. ....Simple & Symbolic. So sad yet appropriate and understated “ Genie, you're free. ”Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.

  • Words to quote, with a smile, thanks. Nice share. Jesus Christ, Charles R. Jarrot, Jesuit Charles, Steven Jay Jarrot, Rachel Corona, Rachel Jarrot, Dragon Fairy: .Snakes and frogs, good times, dancing in the dark, walks in the park. Pray for goodness and mercy angels to spare women also. Prey for veterans, prey for crooks, steal and robber veterans. Help to homeless veterans, transitional female veterans. Steven and Rach Jarrot7607778998, still lovers on down low. Sex slaves for time and attention, low standards, black and yellow, snakes and frogs to date 7608512267. Dancing Snakes. Penny thoughts to share, good times on beaches in RV, dates tonight needed, 7608512267, fruits and nuts to go. Stoned for decades Steven, Rachel, Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998. Crooks and robbers, to steal, lie, and rob you blind.Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.   Credit Counseling Service.

  • Free rides, free faces to change, on a cum sucker, hog or pig, tasteful delights, songs to sing, what a great life. Steven and Sima Jarrot, 7608512267.Hogs, not pigs, Jewish Rites.Joys and pains, black and white, rats and pigs, races to the end of dazes, monkeys to dodge. Happy to share, the history, the bumps in the roads, songs to play on the radio, movie rites, have to write. Horse And Pony Shows, Rats Racing, Movies Sluts, just like dead donkeys, Paul and Charlie Jarrot, donkeys and jackasses in the hills and the valley. Can see them in the day, herds of jackasses in California... more »

    Pure as the snakes in the grass, and the drug dealer daddy, homeless in a RV in Upland, Ventura, and or Palm Springs, it is a frog tale to share, and nothing like the Merchant of Venice with Al Pacino the Jew in the red hat, he knew his place in the 1600. Ask Rachel Jarrot, she has a $6000 wig from Beverly Hills that black magic woman paid for, and she is now a buffalo from cali at a school to become a bigger cow, and has a snake in the grass for a sire, and a Uplands Fag Hag for a mother that is too fat to be married. Sheri Gerstein Jarrot is a 60 year old rejected from the Prince Frog, or Steven Jay Jarrot, and he likes it in mouth and backside for fun and games with clouds in sky or just tina, and he is looking for a dream woman that comes with penis or two. Just for the record. Call and check the phone number is at Jewish Army 2005, and what a story it is about truth and honest in raw form the way of the Jarrots.

     Have a laugh or two: Steven Jarrot, sad and blue, alone again, for the first time, no one to rob or steal from in the lines of true love, cheater and liar, role player, party and play, sex for sale, faces of a snake in the grass, ways to grow, ways to run, ways to dodge, the crook, the cheater, the robber, to prey on women of color, or veterans, male or female is fine. Gang bang king, blow jobs on the run, nuts to go, dicks in line, cash on hand, coins to flip, catchers to climb. Freaks out at night, games to play, hats and horns, snakes in the grass, his story to tell.

  • Sima And Rachel Jarrot, Wigs And Caps On, Tricks?

    Turning the pages on a dark period, moving on to a brighter dazes on the beach, it is time. Dates with a horse charmer, 420 blowing in the wind, watching the horses cum and go, pieces of a dream, the birds and the bees. Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.  Dreams of mine, on the beach, watching the horses down,  for the water after a race or two. Animals and bugs that fly, gifts of wings to get here and there, new starts are the meaning of the butterflies.

    Rick James - Super Freak.Nickel Notes: Bonus: Steven Jarrot, let the music play.

    Rick James - Super Freak....Steven Jarrot, let the music play, tricks and trades, party and play, dicks in lines, cash or credit, every one pay, free rides, not free, trades and tricks to get things going. Lovers and haters, songs to sing, birds and bees, in the dogwood trees. Songs in the winds, angels on high, angels in the air, birds and bees in other words, in other worlds, in the lights of the nines. 

    Names, labels, and views not shared with the masses, searching for a way to stop the views that do not match the stories told inside the family, inside circle of friends, that know different parts of the story, and fingers point in and fingers point out to the blacks, Mexicans and the working classes.Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.   Labels tell the story of the nature of the beasts that are out and in play on the beaches, in the colleges of hard knocks, and in the schools for fools, frogs, and reptiles that are not attorneys, and the blame game is in full force.

    Excuses for everything that has happen to them, is the dream life of truthfulness and honesty with a twist, and bend just a bit for the shakes of whites, and the shades of gray and white, and dashes of the blackness, that hides within the seven snakes that are still within the devils here on earth, another excuse for odd behaviors and deeds done.Views, Clowns, Jokers, Stars, Wishes, Dream Knights: Dead Loses. Fairy Tales.   The signs of lies given with statements to concur the tales created to get even for the dirty deeds and the dirty acts done with the consent of the family members, and gifts from gods, or the Queen of England, by way of transplants Sima, Steven, Paul, Charley R., Charles E., and Charles R., Jackie, to include those alive and deceased in October 2014.

    Good times, sad times, trips by air, trips by sea, to fail or first attempts in learning, practice to perfection.Patterns...Possibilities....To dream anything that you want to dream...that is the beauty of the human mind.To do anything that you want to do....that is the strength of the human will.To trust yourself to test your limits...that is the courage to succeed.---Bernard Edmonds----

    Green times, high times, frogs and snakes, monkey years 2016, last one to run into, forgot about it, 1992, monkeys to check. Taking shits, talking shit, toads and army of frogs, dates to set, views in toilet, floating charms. Shit to take, shit to talk, shit to write, good times, frog tales, shits of green. Blue dreams, dreams of shit, shit how big, views in the water.

    Hands to note, frogs to hang, Jesus Christ, hanging on dogwood trees, frogs and snakes, crooks and robbers, back in the day, tales told. Bastard to save the world, death on a cross, back in the day, frogs and snakes, games to play. Balls in the air, happy dazes again, glory days done. Trips to hell done. Nickel Notes: Bonus for five cents, more than two cents worth, coins in hand, cards on the table, poker players to the right. Happy notes for five sense, gifts of tales online, flipping coins. Clowns have left, jokers and poker players left, crooks and cheaters. Jokes to laughs, truthful and bullshit, to big to define, English please. To fail, in first attempts in learn, life lessons.

    Charles R Jarrot Credit Offices - Rick James - Super Freak.Nickel Notes: Bonus:

     Steven Jarrot, let the music play.  Partners in crimes. Lovers and haters, cheaters

    Dream lives to hide, dances in darkness, dances in the dark, frogs and fish to see, monkeys to dodge. 

    Donkeys with tales to be told. Hits and misses, crooks and liars.  Head of the IMF Christine Lagarde in court charged with embezzlement. Trips to jail and back, trips to hell and back, crooks and robbers to cages. Dogs to bark. 

    Lights and darkness, love and luck, love and hate, goats to runs, dates on the sands of time. Lucky riders to racers, tales to spin, glory dazes done. Light and sunny birds in the dogwood trees, monkeys on bikes, monkeys in trees, songs for the blue jays to sing. Dances in darkness, dances with ghost, dances with angels to host, lights and stars to shine, darkness gone for the days on earth. Pages to turn, lessons to learn, hopes and dreams in motion, movies to make, films and clips, hits and misses, birthday tunes. Ships Of Dreams, Boats To Sails, Free Rides, Races To Rats, Tales Told. Rick James - Super Freak.Nickel Notes: Bonus: Steven Jarrot, let the music play.

    Rednecks Tips, Baby Wars, Battles Of Wits, Dances With Snakes. Snakes in Grass: Dicks and Dawgs: Fags Out Of Box: Laughs Online -  Jokes and laugh, time to stand, hands in the air, do you care? Moot notes of rednecks vs baby, picture of 1000 words, tips and tales, hands in the air, American Birds, sit and spin, stories to share. Fairy tales to me, home to the dreams in drama, songs to sing, happy dazes again, glory days done. My head still in the clouds, still in the air, drama and dreams dancing in my head. Home watching a movie, "On A clear Day". life in Ireland maybe. Dates to swim the English Chanel, not sure where it is, so have to look it up later in time. Babies and bums, redneck stories to share, land ... more »

    Bald Heads, Rach Jay, Sheri And Rachel Jarrot, Wigs To Caps, Cheap Tricks, Land Whales. Rick James - Super Freak.Nickel Notes: Bonus: Steven Jarrot, let the music play. Free Will, Justin Bets To Angels, Wars Of Gods, Marching Fourth...Singing The Blues, sad and blue, over the hate, goats and sheep, lessons learned, in the first attempt in new lessons, to learn something new, to fail is not an option, dancing in the darkness. Gifts of words, tips and tales, monkeys to singers, monkeys to races, rats and monkeys, music to make. Songs to last over time and space, happy notes, tips and tales, stories to carry over the hills. Jesus Christ, 
    Allstate and AAA to assist in their crimes to date. Peace and Love by the Sea. 7607778998-Drug dealers, Charles R. Jarrot,  Flipping in worlds of Steven Jarrot 7608512267 freak on beach to party and play, dicks with chicks best for oral talents to shine: downtime is here again, cum to spare, for land whale, tasteful delights, oral expert in Ventura or Upland, CA today, to date. 

    Wigs And Caps, Horns Of Haters, Jokes On Dykes, Rick James - Super Freak.Nickel Notes: Bonus: Steven Jarrot, let the music play. Tales Of Bald Heads. Jesuit Charlie, Charlie Jarrot, donkeys in the hills to stay. Monkeys to hand to assist on the crosses made back in the day. Hanging trees, dogwood trees, into the woods, into the dark, angels out to watch your back. Happy songs to play over the radio, hits and sad songs, trips to hell and back. Music makers, dead and gone, music left to play over time. Hot hits, big songs, singers dead and gone, castles to stay in now. Gods, Angels, saints and sinners, dead and alive, time to turn around.

    Tin Can Affairs, Rach Jay, Steven Jarrot, Faces Of Rats, Racers Hares.

     Rick James - Super Freak.Nickel Notes: Bonus: Steven Jarrot, let the music play.

  • Dreams and wishes and notes to tips, games on the water, balls in the air, lovers and haters, stores of messages, love and hate, life on the beach. Dances on the sands, fires to burn, food to cook, snakes and frogs, pots of water, good times. Fish and frogs, pots of water, fun for fun, games on the side of the road. Hopes and wishes to share, friends on the seven seas. Blue and green people, search is on, dates to set with mature, witty owls, kings on land, lions to locate. Knights to shine, kings on land, lions in other forms, men of class. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again.  Snakes in grass, snakes and worms, hackers to kill, accounts high jetted, land whales inside, to delete, to change, to stop written history. 
  • Stands of true lights of darkness, evil not good, hate not love, examples of crooks and robbers. Joys and pains, trips to hell, life in the woods. Snakes for all time, snakes since the start of time, snakes out of skin, new skin to put on, yellow snakes and worms. Poker players, cards on the table, faces to read, coins on hand, bets to play, good  times in the dark. Crooks, liars, hackers, snakes and frogs, fish to catch and release time to sail, fish to fry. Fires started in the beginning of time, still burning, flames of hope, pots filled with frying fish. Tales to monkeys, tales of donkeys, packs and herds, tails in the air. 
  • Dances with dogs, dances in the dark, dances with Steve Jarrot, notes of history online, lots of love to share, good times, dicks in the house, after the girlfriends fall asleep, drugged out, calls for the doctors, cash on the table, cash lost in the house, dates with dogs, snakes and frogs. Tales of lovers and haters, bac in time, views and noses with brown spots. Steven Jarrot, snake and dog, bitch in heat, lack of a dick to fuck, oral skills instead, no dick, no cash on hand, dream lover for RV trips, every day, dream lives for frogs and snakes, RV campers for life. 

    Steven and Sima Jarrot: Lovers And Haters, Donkeys 2 Ride 4 Free.....It is the season for the fools, clowns, jokers, jesters, and the queens on the scene, and all the colors that will shine. It is the reason for the month of October, and the clothes will be out of this world. Piper has her hairstyle picked out, and it will be a matter of being in a blue state, and it was one of the things that she had time to get ready for. So for the October fest, and the masked party, Piper was going to be a devil in a blue dress, and have legs covered with cheetah skin. It was time to think about what Sergio could were to match the theme she is going to set. That is something that we will have to look into a little latter.

    Fruit And Nuts, Hackers On Facebook?steven And Sima Jarrot? Rachel Jay 2?One nut to stand, one nut that can write, one nut in the wood. Fruit and nuts, donkeys in the hills and valleys, ways to grow. Live and learn, stories to share, lots of hard knocks, dates with RV campers. Steven and Sheri Jarrot, dicks in line, trades with cheap tricks, Rachel and Reese Smith, Rach Jay and Jackie Jarrot. Lots of blown jobs, gang bang rules, pimps on call. 7608512267...., hacker deleted, Steven Jarrot, contact for updates 7608512267, bitch on buns, dicks in lines, fag to date. tricks and trades, party and play, RV camper for life, life of dreams to live. Dreams in wheels. Dames and chick, veterans and black, babes lost. Wigs And Cows, Jewish Delights, Tasteful Choices, Fags To Hags, Tales Of Jackasses.Lions To Roars, Angels On Earth, Happy And Delights, Tales Told, Glory Dazes Done....Wishes On Stars, Blue Skies In The Cities, Lights To Shine.
  • TRUE STORY, HIS STORY: STEVEN jARROT: 7608512267: Coins Flipped.

    Growth and change, ways to see the world, daily events to teach, to learn, practice not to fail, life on the beach, life in the wind, birds to be reborn. Time alone, girl in red hood, back from the woods, in the shadows, back on edge of life. Time to reflect, tricked and pimped, love and devotion, earth angels in red hoods, trips in the woods. Falls on den of snakes, mask in place, in the woods, trees of life, dogwood trees. Monkeys to swing, snakes to burn, food on a stick, into the fire, dances on the beach. Mountains to climb, valleys to see, girls in red hoods, though the hills. 

    Life in the sky, mountains tops, joys and pains. Bumps in the road, lessons learned, practice to not fail, classes on the side of the road, mountains tops, sites to see. Dazes passed, days of glory done, time to pay. Coins in hand, five fingers, five days to weak, five sides to view. Dancing in the clouds, dancing on mountain tops, birds and bees, girls with red hoods. Red and the wolves, red girls hooded, fairy tales, real shit, joys and pains, going once again, tales to share. Practice to perfection  classic life lessons. Goodness and mercy, angels to see, common friends, mothers maybe, dead and expired, candles out. Angels in hosts, angels to shine, girls in red hoods, lucky days on the edge of light and day. Time to turn around, time to take a stand, all jokes aside. Right and wrong, three lefts will make it right, back to square one.

    Back in time back in the day, life was young, and Jesus Christ was a boy, so many stories told over time. Fairy tales and stories out of the bible, tales to help you grow, stories to help you stand tall. Walks with men, walks with boys, skin to skin views to cheers, nuts an balls in the air, aces of dicks to dogs, games on the beaches. Life and love, love and luck, hands in the air, tales to swingers, dicks to bitches, butches and dykes, asses out. Coins to flip, asses to buy, tricks and dogs, bitches in heat, songs to sing, dances for a dollar, dykes and butches, with dicks in a bag, to go. 

    Wednesday kids, kids at heart. Born out of the fires of hope, goodness and mercy, angels to see, stuck in the bed, after birth, notes of lovers and notes of haters, life is started, at the hospital of Mercy, in San Diego, sands of time. Notes of lovers and notes of sinners, saints in waiting, angels in the air, good times, birds out of the fires. Angels with broken wings, babies are the ears, babies of lovers, babies to start the woods. One nut to stand. Trees in the woods, girls in red hoods, lost and alone, back in time, back in space,  birds and bees, flowers to treats, good to know, birds and butterflies, dogfaces for the colors. 

    Chasing rainbows, chasing dreams, chasing the demons out of my head, love and hate, family affairs, love and hate horns of a goat, tales in the air, love and honor, pages to grow, ways to go, tricks on words. Up and down, stories of haters, tales of lovers, and judgement calls, how you are, and how you were, not always the same thing, after the years have passed, tips on notes that are dated, or just personal views, noses and views in the air, everyone has one, how much is yours worth? Nothing in my world, say what you like, believe the stories of kids and goats, sisters and sheep, how they feel and being put out to pastures. 

    Not of interest any longer, views of family members, no time to spare, do not like the people, why listen to their views, does not happen in my worlds. Believe what you like, I believe in fairy tales, and birds and bees, honey to make, black and yellow, good fellows. Snakes and frogs, spiders and worms, tales to webs, girls with stories, Charlotte Webs, Charlotte Bailey, Charlotte Frazier, acts to follow as number 4,  lots of view after the top two, the ones that matter. Sisters at the bottom,  drunks for date, word that was passed, drinks like a fish, stories of lots of dates, only once.

     Spider of the family, Robin Bailey, in the city, Sister to Jack, Red and Ruth, names and labels in the air. God to some, role model in looks, looks great for 71, tips on looks by Ruth, label lost for 4 decades right. Mrs. Brown, back in the day, had a use car sales man in bed, had a couple of kids to goats.  Tales and history of the early years,  stories to last, after you die. Pages in the past. 

    ..Credit  Crooks, cheaters and liars, friends with snakes, foes with frogs, tales to be written, over time, over classes of love and hate, goats and sheep, lost in the woods, girls in red hoods, fairy tales to be told........Happy birthdays 2016, fruits and nuts. RV camping lifestyle shared with Steven and Rachel Jarrot. 7608512267. Third place is last place, and no trophies for that placement, keep it for sucker to marry a freak like him. He likes to suck dicks, and it was great not to have to fuck a trick because he was gay, and the meth does that to him. Jokes on the fools and blogs about the snakes in the grass, truthful and honesty, punch lines. 

    Leader of Pack Wolves: Steven Jarrot 7608512267. 

    Growth and change, ways to see the world, daily events to teach, to learn, practice not to fail, life on the beach, life in the wind, birds to be reborn. Time alone, girl in red hood, back from the woods, in the shadows, back on edge of life. Time to reflect, tricked and pimped, love and devotion, earth angels in red hoods, trips in the woods. Falls on den of snakes, mask in place, in the woods, trees of life, dogwood trees. Monkeys to swing, snakes to burn, food on a stick, into the fire, dances on the beach. Mountains to climb, valleys to see, girls in red hoods, though the hills. 

    Life in the sky, mountains tops, joys and pains. Bumps in the road, lessons learned, practice to not fail, classes on the side of the road, mountains tops, sites to see. Dazes passed, days of glory done, time to pay. Coins in hand, five fingers, five days to weak, five sides to view. Dancing in the clouds, dancing on mountain tops, birds and bees, girls with red hoods. Red and the wolves, red girls hooded, fairy tales, real shit, joys and pains, going once again, tales to share. Practice to perfection  classic life lessons. Goodness and mercy, angels to see, common friends, mothers maybe, dead and expired, candles out. Angels in hosts, angels to shine, girls in red hoods, lucky days on the edge of light and day. Time to turn around, time to take a stand, all jokes aside. Right and wrong, three lefts will make it right, back to square one.

    Hard to say, have to wait and see, more things coud be going on, love is light, lights to day light, have to work in the day time. Live and learn, live and love, love and hate, goats horns, all to change, right or wrong, horns to blow. Time of our lives, the best that we can be, honey bees. Bees and birds, songs to sing, bastard was born in a barn, hooker for a mother, daddy a pimp, out of luck, out of cash, cows and donkeys for brothers, Jesus Christ, bastard to save the masses of sheep, horse and pony shows. Con men, Jim Jones, Steven Jarrot, Jesus Christ, Peter Pan, Micky Mouse.

    Tales on land and beaches on sands of time. Burn and bake snakes for boots. Clothes for the winters, good times on right side. Monkeys swinging from dogwood trees, Jesus Christ, Jewish Steven Jarrot, 7608512267: Junk man, poker play, oral expert, cum sucker to date 805 205 5026. Peter Pan, fairy tales. Con men, great pretenders, horse and pony shows, oral talents to delight. Hanging on the cross, crooks and robbers, Jewish Jesus Christ. Christmas in July, tales and snakes in the grass. Gift of history recorded.

    Your actions and your behaviors tell the real story about who you are. I live by trying to help others because I can. Not, for a trade, that I want something in exchange for being a decent, kind, understanding earth angel.Ships to pass, dreams on the water, boats and waves to be made, dates on the sands of time. Knights on quest, ship of frog, ship of freaks in the water, joys and pains, ladies in waiting. Hopes and wishes, stars in the skies, dates in the water, swims and frogs in the water, ways to go. Dances on the sands on time, lost in time, dates in the water, lost in space, hares in the woods.

    Have more questions to share, more tips online, more stories of lovers, sheep and goat, horns of a goat, ships to pass at night, waves to make, boats to rock. Dreams in motion. Another love story, more questions in the air, light and darkness, love and hate, hits and misses, joys and pains, bumps in the road, lives online. History to note:

    Fruit And Nuts, Hackers On Facebook?steven And Sima Jarrot? Rachel Jay 2?
    One nut to stand, one nut that can write, one nut in the wood. Fruit and nuts, donkeys in the hills and valleys, ways to grow. Live and learn, stories to share, lots of hard knocks, dates with RV campers. Steven and Sheri Jarrot, dicks in line, trades with cheap tricks, Rachel and Reese Smith, Rach Jay and Jackie Jarrot. Lots of blown jobs, gang bang rules, pimps on call. 7608512267....

    Lights to turn on, views of cows to ride for free, back in the day, Rachel Jarrot, fool on the run, dates with land whales, classes on the beach. Good times, stories to share, hats and horns, wigs to wear, lots of bald heads. American girls California dreams, dances on the sands of time. 

    Lots of history on the free rides for cows, cattle, hippos, and snakes in the grass, trades todo: tips online to share..... Land whale, butch forever, horse and pony shows, crooks, cheaters and liars, monkeys to dodge. Raçhel Butch, Rachel Wigsoff, Rachel Jarrot - Journalism (From The View of an Advertiser) Cum Suckers, tricks on corners, cash or credit, cows do fly. Frog Army, Snakes in dens, angels to see in the host, high on air.

    One day for free, cattle do fly, clowns to the left. Friday afternoon. Birds and Bees, Show To Do, Good Times....Dances with monkeys, swingers in the mix, hugs and kisses, lots of games to play. Rachel Jarrot, dream life, dicks and dogs, babes in black, tricks to trade. Hats and horns, wigs to wear, caps for bad hair dazes. Sheep and goats, kids will play. RACHEL104LIFE.WORDPRESS.COM...Tales of charms, wits and graces, lions on land, lions in the air, food and fools, fun in the sun. Happy and delighted, tips online to share, stories of haters, tales of haters. Lions to roars. Rocks And Stones, Love My Gems, Diamond And Paste....Flip a land shark...Steven Jarrot, nuts to run, freaks and frogs, snakes in the grass, herds of jackasses, tin can affairs, RV campers for life. Rachel Jarrot, the sucker for the love and devotion of a father for a trick. Golden Cow, with bald pussy for daddy's delight. Gifts to share on the darkness in the herds of cattle, land whales, and fake friends. 

    Back in time back in the day, life was young, and Jesus Christ was a boy, so many stories told over time. Fairy tales and stories out of the bible, tales to help you grow, stories to help you stand tall. Walks with men, walks with boys, skin to skin views to cheers, nuts an balls in the air, aces of dicks to dogs, games on the beaches. Life and love, love and luck, hands in the air, tales to swingers, dicks to bitches, butches and dykes, asses out. Coins to flip, asses to buy, tricks and dogs, bitches in heat, songs to sing, dances for a dollar, dykes and butches, with dicks in a bag, to go. 

    Wednesday kids, kids at heart. Born out of the fires of hope, goodness and mercy, angels to see, stuck in the bed, after birth, notes of lovers and notes of haters, life is started, at the hospital of Mercy, in San Diego, sands of time. Notes of lovers and notes of sinners, saints in waiting, angels in the air, good times, birds out of the fires. Angels with broken wings, babies are the ears, babies of lovers, babies to start the woods. One nut to stand. Trees in the woods, girls in red hoods, lost and alone, back in time, back in space,  birds and bees, flowers to treats, good to know, birds and butterflies, dogfaces for the colors. 

    Chasing rainbows, chasing dreams, chasing the demons out of my head, love and hate, family affairs, love and hate horns of a goat, tales in the air, love and honor, pages to grow, ways to go, tricks on words. Up and down, stories of haters, tales of lovers, and judgement calls, how you are, and how you were, not always the same thing, after the years have passed, tips on notes that are dated, or just personal views, noses and views in the air, everyone has one, how much is yours worth? Nothing in my world, say what you like, believe the stories of kids and goats, sisters and sheep, how they feel and being put out to pastures. 

    Not of interest any longer, views of family members, no time to spare, do not like the people, why listen to their views, does not happen in my worlds. Believe what you like, I believe in fairy tales, and birds and bees, honey to make, black and yellow, good fellows. Snakes and frogs, spiders and worms, tales to webs, girls with stories, Charlotte Webs, Charlotte Bailey, Charlotte Frazier, acts to follow as number 4,  lots of view after the top two, the ones that matter. Sisters at the bottom,  drunks for date, word that was passed, drinks like a fish, stories of lots of dates, only once.

     Spider of the family, Robin Bailey, in the city, Sister to Jack, Red and Ruth, names and labels in the air. God to some, role model in looks, looks great for 71, tips on looks by Ruth, label lost for 4 decades right. Mrs. Brown, back in the day, had a use car sales man in bed, had a couple of kids to goats.  Tales and history of the early years,  stories to last, after you die. Pages in the past. 

    Growth and change, ways to see the world, daily events to teach, to learn, practice not to fail, life on the beach, life in the wind, birds to be reborn. Time alone, girl in red hood, back from the woods, in the shadows, back on edge of life. Time to reflect, tricked and pimped, love and devotion, earth angels in red hoods, trips in the woods. Falls on den of snakes, mask in place, in the woods, trees of life, dogwood trees. Monkeys to swing, snakes to burn, food on a stick, into the fire, dances on the beach. Mountains to climb, valleys to see, girls in red hoods, though the hills. 

    Life in the sky, mountains tops, joys and pains. Bumps in the road, lessons learned, practice to not fail, classes on the side of the road, mountains tops, sites to see. Dazes passed, days of glory done, time to pay. Coins in hand, five fingers, five days to weak, five sides to view. Dancing in the clouds, dancing on mountain tops, birds and bees, girls with red hoods. Red and the wolves, red girls hooded, fairy tales, real shit, joys and pains, going once again, tales to share. Practice to perfection  classic life lessons. Goodness and mercy, angels to see, common friends, mothers maybe, dead and expired, candles out. Angels in hosts, angels to shine, girls in red hoods, lucky days on the edge of light and day. Time to turn around, time to take a stand, all jokes aside. Right and wrong, three lefts will make it right, back to square one.

    Back in time back in the day, life was young, and Jesus Christ was a boy, so many stories told over time. Fairy tales and stories out of the bible, tales to help you grow, stories to help you stand tall. Walks with men, walks with boys, skin to skin views to cheers, nuts an balls in the air, aces of dicks to dogs, games on the beaches. Life and love, love and luck, hands in the air, tales to swingers, dicks to bitches, butches and dykes, asses out. Coins to flip, asses to buy, tricks and dogs, bitches in heat, songs to sing, dances for a dollar, dykes and butches, with dicks in a bag, to go. 

    Wednesday kids, kids at heart. Born out of the fires of hope, goodness and mercy, angels to see, stuck in the bed, after birth, notes of lovers and notes of haters, life is started, at the hospital of Mercy, in San Diego, sands of time. Notes of lovers and notes of sinners, saints in waiting, angels in the air, good times, birds out of the fires. Angels with broken wings, babies are the ears, babies of lovers, babies to start the woods. One nut to stand. Trees in the woods, girls in red hoods, lost and alone, back in time, back in space,  birds and bees, flowers to treats, good to know, birds and butterflies, dogfaces for the colors. 

    Chasing rainbows, chasing dreams, chasing the demons out of my head, love and hate, family affairs, love and hate horns of a goat, tales in the air, love and honor, pages to grow, ways to go, tricks on words. Up and down, stories of haters, tales of lovers, and judgement calls, how you are, and how you were, not always the same thing, after the years have passed, tips on notes that are dated, or just personal views, noses and views in the air, everyone has one, how much is yours worth? Nothing in my world, say what you like, believe the stories of kids and goats, sisters and sheep, how they feel and being put out to pastures. 

    Not of interest any longer, views of family members, no time to spare, do not like the people, why listen to their views, does not happen in my worlds. Believe what you like, I believe in fairy tales, and birds and bees, honey to make, black and yellow, good fellows. Snakes and frogs, spiders and worms, tales to webs, girls with stories, Charlotte Webs, Charlotte Bailey, Charlotte Frazier, acts to follow as number 4,  lots of view after the top two, the ones that matter. Sisters at the bottom,  drunks for date, word that was passed, drinks like a fish, stories of lots of dates, only once.

     Spider of the family, Robin Bailey, in the city, Sister to Jack, Red and Ruth, names and labels in the air. God to some, role model in looks, looks great for 71, tips on looks by Ruth, label lost for 4 decades right. Mrs. Brown, back in the day, had a use car sales man in bed, had a couple of kids to goats.  Tales and history of the early years,  stories to last, after you die. Pages in the past. 

    ..Credit  Crooks, cheaters and liars, friends with snakes, foes with frogs, tales to be written, over time, over classes of love and hate, goats and sheep, lost in the woods, girls in red hoods, fairy tales to be told........Happy birthdays 2016, fruits and nuts. RV camping lifestyle shared with Steven and Rachel Jarrot. 7608512267. Third place is last place, and no trophies for that placement, keep it for sucker to marry a freak like him. He likes to suck dicks, and it was great not to have to fuck a trick because he was gay, and the meth does that to him. Jokes on the fools and blogs about the snakes in the grass, truthful and honesty, punch lines. 

    Leader of Pack Wolves: Steven Jarrot 7608512267. | Frogs, dogs and ...

    Jewish Red Army Soldiers :Dream date, dream partner, steers and queers, white-wide loads, whales 

    on land, party and play, on the beach, with Steven Jay Jarrot, not any more. Had so much fun, all most staved to 

    death, was a blast to watch the ***** come and go at the house. Heard the sex games in the living room, Steven 

    Jarrot, sucking dick, with a pussy in the bedroom, fag alright. Stay with a man without a dick of his own, wanted 

    other ***** to suck, stay with a man that traded sex for drugs. Stay with a man, that likes to party and play, every 

    day? Stay with a man for a moment or two, for long term, not way. Have heard lots of views, here is mine to share.

    Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of tests over time, lots of hard knocks to live. Turning pages, history to note, not news


    Views of frogs, mirror to check, hearts of goals, hearts of love, hearts to heat, frogs to date, frog times. Green times, high times, frogs and snakes, monkey years 2016, last one to run into, forgot about it, 1992, monkeys to check. Taking shits, talking ****, toads and army of frogs, dates to set, views in toilet, floating charms. **** to take, **** to talk, **** to write, good times, frog tales, shits of green. Blue dreams, dreams of ****, **** how big, views in the water. 

    Hands to note, frogs to hang, Jesus Christ, hanging on dogwood trees, frogs and snakes, crooks and robbers, back in the day, tales told. Bastard to save the world, death on a cross, back in the day, frogs and snakes, games to play. Balls in the air, happy dazes again, glory days done. Trips to hell done. Nickel Notes: Bonus for five cents, more than two cents worth, coins in hand, cards on the table, poker players to the right. Happy notes for five sense, gifts of tales online, flipping coins. Clowns have left, jokers and poker players left, crooks and cheaters. Jokes to laughs, truthful and bullshit, to big to define, English please. To fail, in first attempts in learn, life lessons. 

    Allstate and AAA to assist in their crimes to date. Peace and Love by the Sea. 7607778998-Drug dealers, Charles R. Jarrot, Flipping in worlds of Steven Jarrot 7608512267 freak on beach to party and play, ***** with chicks best for oral talents to shine: downtime is here again, *** to spare, for land whale, tasteful delights, oral expert in Ventura or Upland, CA today, to date. Good times, sad times, trips by air, trips by sea, to fail or first attempts in learning, practice to perfection.Patterns...Possibilities....T... dream anything that you want to dream...that is the beauty of the human mind.To do anything that you want to do....that is the strength of the human will.To trust yourself to test your limits...that is the courage to succeed.---Bernard Edmonds---- 

    Leader of Pack Wolves: Steven Jarrot 7608512267. | Frogs, dogs and ...Jewish Red Army 2016: Soldiers: Party and play, asses in the air, pitchers in line, ***** to suck, gang bang king- Seven snakes, leader of pack of wolves, veterans to prey. Computers, phones, cash, credit, fingers out to take always, asses in air. *** shots, *** in mouth, tasteful delights. Good times, thanks so much, best in all things, songs to sing. 

    HAIRLESS TURKEY, Rachel Jarrot -BUFFALO DROPOUT, CALIFORNIA COW. GOLDEN COW, HIPPO. ...Rachel Jarrot - Lyon Sacks of ****:Steven and Rachel Jarrot, dream life for freaks ...Time of your life, the best is yet to ***. Hell on earth with hell hounds, faithful bullshitters, games played to blame others. Good guys? Princess Frog: Rachel Jarrot? | In the Woods: Bumps in road, woods full of snakes, monkeys on dogwood trees.

    TRUE STORY, HIS STORY: STEVEN jARROT:7608512267:This cow was white with black spots, just was not aware of the spots. So Cali Cow was a legend in her own mind and every one else agreed. Only in her dreams. Cali was a sleep walker that dream often, and her head in the clouds most of the time. Cali did not know that her boyfriend was also her brother. Thank goodness cows can be like dogs and mated sisters. Just that it was not something to talk about.
    To many other busy body cattle and cattlemen running the bulls both ways with the cows in the barn. So it was a common practice with raisings cows for baffolows to mate. It is also how we got Cali cows on the boop tube. Otherwise just big and fat, and the better for the market sale. Cali turned 18 and left to find a rich daddy with bad eyes. The school for cows to mate with bulls and buffalos to engage in the mate for big bucks is an art form. There are six schools and are know for the biggest and the best bull leaders or shitters. It would depend how far you are from the tip or top. Heads or Tales so to speck. Sheri, Rotten Rachel, and Steve Jarrot, Frogs or Bison? Fake friends, fake faces and mask wore daily, friends? Upland, California, and TRUE STORY, HIS STORY: STEVEN jARROT: 7608512267: This cow was white with black spots, just was not aware of the spots. So Cali Cow was a legend in her own mind and every one else agreed. Only in her dreams. Cali was a sleep walker that dream often, and her head in the clouds most of the time. Cali did not know that her boyfriend was also her brother. TRUE STORY, HIS STORY: STEVEN jARROT: 7608512267: Coins Flipped.

    Frogs in groups called and Army:Remember WWII: Surviving the Inferno ...Der Spiegel

    Jewish veterans of the Red Army have formed a club. ... Ausgabe 19/...TRUE STORY, HIS STORY: STEVEN

     jARROT: 7608512267: Coins Flipped. 2005 ... The Jewish Veterans meet twice a month. Most of the ...

    Search Results

    My Future in the Media World: Uncertain, but certainly exciting 


    Coins Flipped.

    7607778998-Drug dealersCharles R. Jarrot, ...Steven Jay Jarrot: Facebook. Jumps for joy, jumps for 

    life, junk man alive, undead? Jarrot tarts.

    Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: TRUE STORY, 

    HIS STORY: STEVEN jARROT: 7608512267: Coins Flipped. 

    Growth and change, ways to see the world, daily events to teach, to learn, practice not to fail, life on the beach, life in the wind, birds to be reborn. Time alone, girl in red hood, back from the woods, in the shadows, back on edge of life. Time to reflect, tricked and pimped, love and devotion, earth angels in red hoods, trips in the woods. Falls on den of snakes, mask in place, in the woods, trees of life, dogwood trees. Monkeys to swing, snakes to burn, food on a stick, into the fire, dances on the beach. Mountains to climb, valleys to see, girls in red hoods, though the hills. 

    Life in the sky, mountains tops, joys and pains. Bumps in the road, lessons learned, practice to not fail, classes on the side of the road, mountains tops, sites to see. Dazes passed, days of glory done, time to pay. Coins in hand, five fingers, five days to weak, five sides to view. Dancing in the clouds, dancing on mountain tops, birds and bees, girls with red hoods. Red and the wolves, red girls hooded, fairy tales, real shit, joys and pains, going once again, tales to share. Practice to perfection  classic life lessons. Goodness and mercy, angels to see, common friends, mothers maybe, dead and expired, candles out. Angels in hosts, angels to shine, girls in red hoods, lucky days on the edge of light and day. Time to turn around, time to take a stand, all jokes aside. Right and wrong, three lefts will make it right, back to square one.

    Back in time back in the day, life was young, and Jesus Christ was a boy, so many stories told over time. Fairy tales and stories out of the bible, tales to help you grow, stories to help you stand tall. Walks with men, walks with boys, skin to skin views to cheers, nuts an balls in the air, aces of dicks to dogs, games on the beaches. Life and love, love and luck, hands in the air, tales to swingers, dicks to bitches, butches and dykes, asses out. Coins to flip, asses to buy, tricks and dogs, bitches in heat, songs to sing, dances for a dollar, dykes and butches, with dicks in a bag, to go. 

    Wednesday kids, kids at heart. Born out of the fires of hope, goodness and mercy, angels to see, stuck in the bed, after birth, notes of lovers and notes of haters, life is started, at the hospital of Mercy, in San Diego, sands of time. Notes of lovers and notes of sinners, saints in waiting, angels in the air, good times, birds out of the fires. Angels with broken wings, babies are the ears, babies of lovers, babies to start the woods. One nut to stand. Trees in the woods, girls in red hoods, lost and alone, back in time, back in space,  birds and bees, flowers to treats, good to know, birds and butterflies, dogfaces for the colors. 

    Chasing rainbows, chasing dreams, chasing the demons out of my head, love and hate, family affairs, love and hate horns of a goat, tales in the air, love and honor, pages to grow, ways to go, tricks on words. Up and down, stories of haters, tales of lovers, and judgement calls, how you are, and how you were, not always the same thing, after the years have passed, tips on notes that are dated, or just personal views, noses and views in the air, everyone has one, how much is yours worth? Nothing in my world, say what you like, believe the stories of kids and goats, sisters and sheep, how they feel and being put out to pastures. 

    Not of interest any longer, views of family members, no time to spare, do not like the people, why listen to their views, does not happen in my worlds. Believe what you like, I believe in fairy tales, and birds and bees, honey to make, black and yellow, good fellows. Snakes and frogs, spiders and worms, tales to webs, girls with stories, Charlotte Webs, Charlotte Bailey, Charlotte Frazier, acts to follow as number 4,  lots of view after the top two, the ones that matter. Sisters at the bottom,  drunks for date, word that was passed, drinks like a fish, stories of lots of dates, only once.

     Spider of the family, Robin Bailey, in the city, Sister to Jack, Red and Ruth, names and labels in the air. God to some, role model in looks, looks great for 71, tips on looks by Ruth, label lost for 4 decades right. Mrs. Brown, back in the day, had a use car sales man in bed, had a couple of kids to goats.  Tales and history of the early years,  stories to last, after you die. Pages in the past. 

    ..Credit  Crooks, cheaters and liars, friends with snakes, foes with frogs, tales to be written, over time, over classes of love and hate, goats and sheep, lost in the woods, girls in red hoods, fairy tales to be told........Happy birthdays 2016, fruits and nuts. RV camping lifestyle shared with Steven and Rachel Jarrot. 7608512267. Third place is last place, and no trophies for that placement, keep it for sucker to marry a freak like him. He likes to suck dicks, and it was great not to have to fuck a trick because he was gay, and the meth does that to him. Jokes on the fools and blogs about the snakes in the grass, truthful and honesty, punch lines. 

    Leader of Pack Wolves: Steven Jarrot 7608512267. | Frogs, dogs and ...

    Jewish Red Army Soldiers :Dream date, dream partner, steers and queers, white-wide loads, whales 

    on land, party and play, on the beach, with Steven Jay Jarrot, not any more. Had so much fun, all most staved to 

    death, was a blast to watch the ***** come and go at the house. Heard the sex games in the living room, Steven 

    Jarrot, sucking dick, with a pussy in the bedroom, fag alright. Stay with a man without a dick of his own, wanted 

    other ***** to suck, stay with a man that traded sex for drugs. Stay with a man, that likes to party and play, every 

    day? Stay with a man for a moment or two, for long term, not way. Have heard lots of views, here is mine to share.

    Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of tests over time, lots of hard knocks to live. Turning pages, history to note, not news


    Views of frogs, mirror to check, hearts of goals, hearts of love, hearts to heat, frogs to date, frog times. Green times, high times, frogs and snakes, monkey years 2016, last one to run into, forgot about it, 1992, monkeys to check. Taking shits, talking ****, toads and army of frogs, dates to set, views in toilet, floating charms. **** to take, **** to talk, **** to write, good times, frog tales, shits of green. Blue dreams, dreams of ****, **** how big, views in the water. 

    Hands to note, frogs to hang, Jesus Christ, hanging on dogwood trees, frogs and snakes, crooks and robbers, back in the day, tales told. Bastard to save the world, death on a cross, back in the day, frogs and snakes, games to play. Balls in the air, happy dazes again, glory days done. Trips to hell done. Nickel Notes: Bonus for five cents, more than two cents worth, coins in hand, cards on the table, poker players to the right. Happy notes for five sense, gifts of tales online, flipping coins. Clowns have left, jokers and poker players left, crooks and cheaters. Jokes to laughs, truthful and bullshit, to big to define, English please. To fail, in first attempts in learn, life lessons. 

    Allstate and AAA to assist in their crimes to date. Peace and Love by the Sea. 7607778998-Drug dealers, Charles R. Jarrot, Flipping in worlds of Steven Jarrot 7608512267 freak on beach to party and play, ***** with chicks best for oral talents to shine: downtime is here again, *** to spare, for land whale, tasteful delights, oral expert in Ventura or Upland, CA today, to date. Good times, sad times, trips by air, trips by sea, to fail or first attempts in learning, practice to perfection.Patterns...Possibilities....T... dream anything that you want to dream...that is the beauty of the human mind.To do anything that you want to do....that is the strength of the human will.To trust yourself to test your limits...that is the courage to succeed.---Bernard Edmonds---- 

    Leader of Pack Wolves: Steven Jarrot 7608512267. | Frogs, dogs and ...Jewish Red Army 2016: Soldiers: Party and play, asses in the air, pitchers in line, ***** to suck, gang bang king- Seven snakes, leader of pack of wolves, veterans to prey. Computers, phones, cash, credit, fingers out to take always, asses in air. *** shots, *** in mouth, tasteful delights. Good times, thanks so much, best in all things, songs to sing. 

    HAIRLESS TURKEY, Rachel Jarrot -BUFFALO DROPOUT, CALIFORNIA COW. GOLDEN COW, HIPPO. ...Rachel Jarrot - Lyon Sacks of ****:Steven and Rachel Jarrot, dream life for freaks ...Time of your life, the best is yet to ***. Hell on earth with hell hounds, faithful bullshitters, games played to blame others. Good guys? Princess Frog: Rachel Jarrot? | In the Woods: Bumps in road, woods full of snakes, monkeys on dogwood trees. STORY, HIS STORY: STEVEN jARROT: 7608512267: Coins Flipped. 

    Frogs in groups called and Army:Remember WWII: Surviving the Inferno ...Der Spiegel

    Jewish veterans of the Red Army have formed a club. ... Ausgabe 19/2005 ... The Jewish Veterans meet twice a month. Most of the ...

    Search Results

    My Future in the Media World: Uncertain, but certainly exciting ...

    7607778998-Drug dealersCharles R. Jarrot, ...Steven Jay Jarrot: Facebook. Jumps for joy, jumps for life, junk man alive, undead? Jarrot tarts.

    Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please ...

    TRUE STORY, HIS STORY: STEVEN jARROT: 7608512267: Coins Flipped.
    7607778998-Drug dealersCharles R. Jarrot, Flipping in worlds of Steven Jarrot 7608512267 freak on 
    beach to party and play, dicks with ..

     Charles RJarrot7607778998: Gay just like sire , sex changes at 14, ... Drug dealers,Charles RJarrot, to steal cash and credit, and wait for ...Frogs, dogs and dicks, cheap tricks. Party Pays at Day Job, pussy licker, crook, 
    drug dealer, party and pay. Steven ... There wasCharles R. Jarrot, 7607778998 : tricks was taken from her ...
    Jumps and Leaps: October
    html...Snakes, Hackers,Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998, BIKES AND .... some, the freaks up all night, the suckers 
    and the drug dealers, traders, lickers, ...Thanks. Pimp at Day Job, pussy licker, crook, ...

    7607778998-Drug dealersCharles R. Jarrot, Flipping in worlds of Steven Jarrot 7608512267 freak on beach to party and play, dicks with ..

     Charles RJarrot7607778998: Gay just like sire , sex changes at 14, ... Drug dealers,Charles RJarrot, to steal cash and credit, and wait for ...Frogs, dogs and dicks, cheap tricks. Party Pays at Day Job, pussy licker, crook, 
    drug dealer, party and pay. Steven ... There wasCharles R. Jarrot, 7607778998 : tricks was taken from her ...
    Jumps and Leaps: October
    html...Snakes, Hackers,Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998, BIKES AND .... some, the freaks up all night, the suckers 
    and the drug dealers, traders, lickers, ...Thanks. Pimp at Day Job, pussy licker, crook, 

    | Frogs, dogs and ...

    Jewish Red Army Soldiers :Dream date, dream partner, steers and queers, white-wide loads, whales 

    on land, party and play, on the beach, with Steven Jay Jarrot, not any more. Had so much fun, all most staved to 

    death, was a blast to watch the ***** come and go at the house. Heard the sex games in the living room, Steven 

    Jarrot, sucking dick, with a pussy in the bedroom, fag alright. Stay with a man without a dick of his own, wanted 

    other ***** to suck, stay with a man that traded sex for drugs. Stay with a man, that likes to party and play, every 

    day? Stay with a man for a moment or two, for long term, not way. Have heard lots of views, here is mine to share.

    Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of tests over time, lots of hard knocks to live. Turning pages, history to note, not news


    Views of frogs, mirror to check, hearts of goals, hearts of love, hearts to heat, frogs to date, frog times. Green times, high times, frogs and snakes, monkey years 2016, last one to run into, forgot about it, 1992, monkeys to check. Taking shits, talking ****, toads and army of frogs, dates to set, views in toilet, floating charms. **** to take, **** to talk, **** to write, good times, frog tales, shits of green. Blue dreams, dreams of ****, **** how big, views in the water. 

    Hands to note, frogs to hang, Jesus Christ, hanging on dogwood trees, frogs and snakes, crooks and robbers, back in the day, tales told. Bastard to save the world, death on a cross, back in the day, frogs and snakes, games to play. Balls in the air, happy dazes again, glory days done. Trips to hell done. Nickel Notes: Bonus for five cents, more than two cents worth, coins in hand, cards on the table, poker players to the right. Happy notes for five sense, gifts of tales online, flipping coins. Clowns have left, jokers and poker players left, crooks and cheaters. Jokes to laughs, truthful and bullshit, to big to define, English please. To fail, in first attempts in learn, life lessons. 

    Allstate and AAA to assist in their crimes to date. Peace and Love by the Sea. 7607778998-Drug dealers, Charles R. Jarrot, Flipping in worlds of Steven Jarrot 7608512267 freak on beach to party and play, ***** with chicks best for oral talents to shine: downtime is here again, *** to spare, for land whale, tasteful delights, oral expert in Ventura or Upland, CA today, to date. Good times, sad times, trips by air, trips by sea, to fail or first attempts in learning, practice to perfection.Patterns...Possibilities....T... dream anything that you want to dream...that is the beauty of the human mind.To do anything that you want to do....that is the strength of the human will.To trust yourself to test your limits...that is the courage to succeed.---Bernard Edmonds---- 

    Leader of Pack Wolves: Steven Jarrot 7608512267. | Frogs, dogs and ...Jewish Red Army 2016: Soldiers: Party and play, asses in the air, pitchers in line, ***** to suck, gang bang king- Seven snakes, leader of pack of wolves, veterans to prey. Computers, phones, cash, credit, fingers out to take always, asses in air. *** shots, *** in mouth, tasteful delights. Good times, thanks so much, best in all things, songs to sing. 

    HAIRLESS TURKEY, Rachel Jarrot -BUFFALO DROPOUT, CALIFORNIA COW. GOLDEN COW, HIPPO. ...Rachel Jarrot - Lyon Sacks of ****:Steven and Rachel Jarrot, dream life for freaks ...Time of your life, the best is yet to ***. Hell on earth with hell hounds, faithful bullshitters, games played to blame others. Good guys? Princess Frog: Rachel Jarrot? | In the Woods: Bumps in road, woods full of snakes, monkeys on dogwood trees.

    Frogs in groups called and Army:Remember WWII: Surviving the Inferno ...Der Spiegel

    Jewish veterans of the Red Army have formed a club. ... Ausgabe 19/2005 ... The Jewish Veterans meet twice a month. Most of the ...

    Search Results

    My Future in the Media World: Uncertain, but certainly exciting ...

    7607778998-Drug dealersCharles R. Jarrot, ...Steven Jay Jarrot: Facebook. Jumps for joy, jumps for life, junk man alive, undead? Jarrot tarts.

    Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please ...

    7607778998-Drug dealersCharles R. Jarrot, Flipping in worlds of Steven Jarrot 7608512267 freak on beach to party and play, dicks with ..

     Charles RJarrot7607778998: Gay just like sire , sex changes at 14, ... Drug dealers,Charles RJarrot, to steal cash and credit, and wait for ...Frogs, dogs and dicks, cheap tricks. Party Pays at Day Job, pussy licker, crook, 
    drug dealer, party and pay. Steven ... There wasCharles R. Jarrot, 7607778998 : tricks was taken from her ...
    Jumps and Leaps: October
    html...Snakes, Hackers,Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998, BIKES AND .... some, the freaks up all night, the suckers 
    and the drug dealers, traders, lickers, ...Thanks. Pimp at Day Job, pussy licker, crook,