Tuesday, June 9, 2020

More stories to share with you, lessons learned about the bumps in the road. Animals and people ànd what they meant to me. It was 2-4 years in the making.

You guys look a little light in the loafers.( I didn't know you were in the closet.)COME OUT, COME OUT, WHOEVER THE FUCK YOU ARE. You guys look a little light in the loafers. Wild About You, Baby.lots of love, lots of charms, lots of laughs, good time, dimes to drop, cards to play. Lovers, haters, shit and dung, faces in the herds, donkeys in the hills, freaks in the nights, coins to flip.More stories to share with you, lessons learned about the bumps in the road. Animals and people ànd what they meant to me. It was 2-4 years in the making.

Angel on earth, earth angel with a lot to be thankful for, live and learn, ways to grow, dream life to start. Cheers, and chaps, good times, lights to stay on, pages to turn, leader in progress, hopes and wishes in the air. ENGLISH words, for the wise. Can he get an amen with alot of likes 

Stupid can not be fixed.Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. He who makes no mistakes, makes nothing. He who is born a fool is never cured. Tricks on veterans. Stupid from day one, out of day old stupid brains, got, day old stupid brians instead. Losing ground from day one. Freaks, frogs, fish in the seas, circles of lives to cross.
Stupid brains:Not able to be Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks. Jumps and Leaps: Snakes, Hackers,Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998, BIKE...Steven Jarrot, snake in grass, 7608512267, pimp, meth drug dealer, party and pay, veterans alerts, black, displaced and cash riches, broken.Next time want a giant of a man, alone with a house closer to the beach, with open doors and windows to turn his life around is desired. Chaka Khan - I'm Every Woman....
Fairy Tales Recaps How the people lived, the conditions that they had to live with, and have the chance to be thankful that it is not your story.REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING BECAUSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

More classes, more dreams, more mountains to climb, walks on the beach, walks alone, veterans and dawgs, kings and knights, walks of life. 😎🌊🌊🏄Walks On The Beach, Rocks And Stones, Glory Dazes To Come..Out of Box Please Jewish Army 2016.Cows To Call, Dung To Trade.Snakes in the grass or bullfrogs. Say it Again girl: Earth Angels, Birds And Butterflies, Songs Played. 


Daily walks. Love, love, love!It is NOT Happy Holidays. It IS Merry Chrstmas No more "political correctness" say it like it is...More stories to share with you, lessons learned about the bumps in the road. Animals and people ànd what they meant to me. It was 2-4 years in the making.
Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling
Angel on earth, earth angel with a lot to be thankful for, live and learn, ways to grow, dream life to start. Cheers, and chaps, good times, lights to stay on, pages to turn, leader in progress, hopes and wishes in the air. ENGLISH words, for the wise. Can he get an amen with alot of likes 😍 😻 💪 Stupid can not be fixed.Adriana Agresti, Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. He who makes no mistakes, makes nothing. He who is born a fool is never cured. Tricks on veterans. Stupid from day one, out of day old stupid brains, got, day old stupid brians instead. Losing ground from day one. Freaks, frogs, fish in the seas, circles of lives to cross.
Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling
Stupid brains:Not able to be Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks. Jumps and Leaps: Snakes, Hackers,Charles R. Jarrot 7607778998, BIKE...Steven Jarrot, snake in grass, 7608512267, pimp, meth drug dealer, party and pay, veterans alerts, black, displaced and cash riches, broken.Next time want a giant of a man, alone with a house closer to the beach, with open doors and windows to turn his life around is desired. Chaka Khan - I'm Every Woman....

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