Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Facebook.SCARY NEWS:Men and mice, cartoon hits of decades, faces in the mirror, son to shine, giants on land, retired also, house on the block, and time to spare.๐Ÿ‘‹ There has to be a real male here who care for human inner beauty and integrity.

Some teachers may feel this type of preparation is... | Facebook.SCARY NEWS:Men and mice, cartoon hits of decades, faces in the mirror, son to shine, giants on land, retired also, house on the block, and time to spare.๐Ÿ‘‹ There has to be a real male here who care for human inner beauty and integrity.  

Repent over and over again, if needed, a couple of can short of a six pack, or the simple or slow have problems with the words truthful and honest. Problems with faithful and bullshit, do not know the difference from the cows and the bison, whales on land, and jack asses from the hills and the valleys. Gerstein-Jarrot, Sheri Goebel, Phillip Grauman, Gary - R Gray-Panteleoni, Marissa Gutierrez-Thompson, Eileen Hamanaka, Keith Heitman, Doug

Princess Frog | Jewish Army :7609020855 frog to date, freaks out 2.Party Tips, dandy dates, trips to hell and back, snakes and frogs, in the waters, ships of fools, freaks, tales to spin. Tales of bitches, tails of frogs, dates on the beaches, once lost in time. Trips to hell and back, dicks and bitches, dogs and hoes, tricks and dogs. Faces to changes, snakes and frogs, plenty of fish in the seas.

This was an email, that I got from my sister from another mother, and how upset she still is about learning the type of frog the bullfrog really is or  reptile that has not learned any new life lessons since he got out of school by the skin on his teeth at Fair fax High  School in Holly weird, California-when dirt was young-(Steve/Eve/Adam 4 Adam Jarrot) still dump as rocks? Brains exchanged for trains, so sad just senseless now, and full of self as always. You can share your views are not, these are written history, okay you know, recorded..

2hardknowks.blogspot.com/2015/02/princess-frog.html Repent over and over again, if needed, a couple of can short of a six pack, whales on land, and jack asses from hills. Gerstein-Jarrot, Sheri Goebel, Phillip Grauman, Gary - R Gray-Panteleoni, Marissa Gutierrez-Thompson, Eileen Hamanaka, Keith Heitman, DougPrincess Frog | Jewish Army 2005:7609020855 frog to date, freaks out 2.2hardknowks.blogspot.com/2015/02/princess-frog.html Veterans Housing Project in Riverside, Long Beach,California  open you were to make money off of the government Veterans Affairs style? Have connections in the Veterans Hospitals Nationwide, but have to start with baby steps to get to the range of business, hope waiting for future growth and change to greatness.

My idea is that we can take your houses and sell them on paper to my nonprofit called Ella Doce Casas De Maya, or 12 Houses in May, another place for homeless veterans that are in transition. Me, or shall I say, I am also included in that group at this time as well. Have until the... more »Heat and Homes-Veterans Housing ProgramHeal Hearts Housing This is a new 501c veterans helping veterans, get the forms done, get the cash off the table, a job of getting the horses to drink water, once place at the oceans, lakes, rivers, and pools of water.

How to get the veterans to do the paperwork is another job, help needed to secure the housing for the displace veterans, on the streets, lost and confused.

Tin Men Turns Where are the others, the lion, the tiger and the bear? Where are the lion, the scarecrow, the dog, and the girl? Walks on the yellow brick road, watch out.

So we have to make plans for the people that are not going to work, and we have to also make plans for the next five steps that need to be completed before we move to the next step. The big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question.

The season is just about over for the tour in California, just need to put a few more pieces back into place. The wheels have been turning, and the boat must sail on, the weight was not lifted, so there is nothing left. The man has been eaten alive with lack of control, and he has taught his offspring the same lessons that he learned.

The story has not changed in the manner of address, and the name calling is something else to excuse with a lime line. It is not acceptable for the long run.The big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question.

Faces of lovers, faces of frogs, faces with lots of love, faces in the mirror, hands in the faces, faces with hands, funny and sad, faces to delight, cum for the joys. Ladies of the night, butches and bitches, dicks to strap on, games to play, roles of dykes. Pages of lovers, pages of sinners, pagers and knights, jokes and laughs, history online, saved for a moment. smithuritza.blogspot.com ...In The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. TALES on Dark sides, man in the moon. Good times, happy dazes again.The big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question.

Pimp on Wheels: Strangers to friends, dates on the beach, birds and bees out for the sunny dazes, watching the races done to death. Life on the sidelines noted for the freaks out for the tricks, dicks, and cum for the tasteful delights, of the frogs on the beach. Dream life to share with the women of color, dates for the walks on the wild side, gifts to share with the freaks with oral talents to sell, or party and play for the trades, tricks, and exchanges done for the good time.SNAPPED ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅThe big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question. 
Love and hate horns of a goat. Love and devotions from a man for a women, gifts of the old souls floating here today, gone tomorrow. Lessons to learn, about the fun and games in the minds and hearts of the young at heart. Fairies, pixies, earth angels, bikers from New York, gifts of songs and dances for a better daze. Tips for the sinners and tales for the saints, gifts to share of the trips around the trees needed for the lessons to learn. Classes in place. Love and hate, truthful and honest, happy and gay, happy and delighted for the dreams in actions, gifts of the young at heart.

This was an email, that I got from my sister from another mother, and how upset she still is about learning the type of frog the bullfrog really is or  reptile that has not learned any new life lessons since he got out of school by the skin on his teeth at Fairfax High  School in Hollyweird, California-when dirt was young-(Steve/Eve/Adam 4 Adam Jarrot) still dump as rocks? Brains exchanged for trains, so sad just senseless now, and full of self as always. You can share your views are not, these are written history, okay you know, recorded..The big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question.

2013: Last year, I felt like I died 7 times by Steven Jay Jarrot, hands alone, and how he did more things that I never knew about, makes me very sad. He won money ($940,000) in Vegas (April 2014?, picture on wall at Bally's there, an exchange for $10 investment, is how Steve wrote it, but it was not enough to buy him happiness, and the hate notes that show his true colors, or out with the fangs out for the wolves in the hen house. Still  it upsets me that the car he stole last year, blue toyato Solara 2001, in Palm Springs, California on May 9, 2013 by AAA. The car had been a gift for Mother's Day in 2001, and some how,The big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question.

 Steve  Jarrot, 7608512267-kept dreaming of selling that car, and he lied to coppers saying he had a forged signed copy of bill of sale he credit. This is the same way he stole cars from out of state sellers of the electric bikes he sold in Ventura a while ago in his past. LLissa Desilva, still has to find the car, to get it re keyed, and the real question is, can Steve pay for the crime committed, in the name of love and devotion? is still not back on the road.SNAPPED ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅThe big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question. 

 If he was a stand up kind of guy, and it he ever loved her,like he use to tell her, he was the best man to love her a whole life long, and life with him lasted four years. He should have bought her a new car, since he wanted to drive something else instead of the Toyota Solara, and he had his eyes on cars for the cattle in the family only, the hairless one-Rocky Jarrot, and the hairdresser buffalo that had her, now just a butch, buff, wide ass or BBW-Rachel Jarrot-bison to buffalo, now of course,  is how I see it. Rest time for the wicked? Expiration dates are coming for some.The big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question.
Lessons to learn, tales to share of the good times, the best friends, the blessings and the lessons learned the first time, for the choose few. Gifts for the blind, gifts for the dense and the dumb, gifts for the blind mice and the blind men to date for the true colors of love and hate. Love and hate the horns of a goat, happy and gay with the laughs, happy and delighted for another day on the right side of the great. What a great day for new plans, what a great day for the fun and games, what a great day for the saints and the sinners. The big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question.

Turning the pages on a dark period, moving on to a brighter dazes on the beach, it is time. Dates with a horse charmer, 420 blowing in the wind, watching the horses cum and go, pieces of a dream, the birds and the bees. Dreams of mine, on the beach, watching the horses down,  for the water after a race or two. Animals and bugs that fly, gifts of wings to get here and there, new starts are the meaning of the butterflies.
Dances of a Tin Man....headangelbigandstrong.blogspot.com////Age just a number? right one is Sept 4, 1962, went to fair fax high, cheated on one wife and host $22,000 the groom lost less, family wedding party, yelled and scream in buff, wife, mother, sister, and family members, had a tale or two about, Steve Jarrot, not a cheater, get real. Please.

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Instead, he bought his kid-hairless Rocky Cattlecaller (one of my names or labels for her), and made a remark about how she thought I was foolish and she was laughing at me on the way to the bank. On mother's day he started day off nice, wishing a happy day, but by the end of the day, he was senting threast by text, and I have been sending them to my email accounts, so that I can print them out ... What do you think? Will share the longest text received with you, and please do not get taken in by the projections that are common for Steve Jarrot, okay?The big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question.

Babes Tricked: Games to play, cat and mouse, cartoon hits, cartoon network, boys next door, twins of sins. Tom and Jerry, the rodent and the cat, movie rites. Angels here and there, veterans and women of color, jokes and laughter, tips and donkey tails. White Rites: Gifts to share, history created, views of others, trapped and tricked, snakes in dens. Plenty  of fish to see, frogs and snakes in the water. Bucks with rocks, cherries  pits, dances in the dark. Fruits and nuts, rotten nuts on ground, monkey see, monkeys swinging on dogwood  trees. Poker plays and players to boot, high heels on boots make for walking. Stone, strong, witty and wise, tips and stories to share. 
Repent over and over again, if needed, a couple of can short of a six pack, or the simple or slow have problems with the words truthful and honest. Problems with faithful and bullshit, do not know the difference from the cows and the bison, whales on land, and jack asses from the hills and the valleys. Gerstein-Jarrot, Sheri Goebel, Phillip Grauman, Gary - R Gray-Panteleoni, Marissa Gutierrez-Thompson, Eileen Hamanaka, Keith Heitman, Doug

  • Princess Frog | Jewish Army 2005:7609020855 frog to date, freaks out 2.

  • 2hardknowks.blogspot.com/2015/02/princess-frog.html

  • Repent over and over again, if needed, a couple of can short of a six pack, whales on land, and jack asses from hills. Gerstein-Jarrot, Sheri Goebel, Phillip Grauman, Gary - R Gray-Panteleoni, Marissa Gutierrez-Thompson, Eileen Hamanaka, Keith Heitman, Doug

    Princess Frog | Jewish Army 2005:7609020855 frog to date, freaks out 2.

  • Veterans Housing Project in Riverside, Long Beach,California  open you were to make money off of the government Veterans Affairs style? Have connections in the Veterans Hospitals Nationwide, but have to start with baby steps to get to the range of business, hope waiting for future growth and change to greatness. My idea is that we can take your houses and sell them on paper to my nonprofit called Ella Doce Casas De Maya, or 12 Houses in May, another place for homeless veterans that are in transition. Me, or shall I say, I am also included in that group at this time as well. Have until the... more »

    Heat and Homes-Veterans Housing Program
    Heal Hearts Housing This is a new 501c veterans helping veterans, get the forms done, get the cash off the table, a job of getting the horses to drink water, once place at the oceans, lakes, rivers, and pools of water. How to get the veterans to do the paperwork is another job, help needed to secure the housing for the displace veterans, on the streets, lost and confused.

  • Tin Men Turns Where are the others, the lion, the tiger and the bear? Where are the lion, the scarecrow, the dog, and the girl? Walks on the yellow brick road, watch out.

    Repent over and over again, if needed, a couple of can short of a six pack, or the simple or slow have problems with the words truthful and honest. Problems with faithful and bullshit, do not know the difference from the cows 

    and the bison, whales on land, and jack asses from the hills and the valleys.

  • Gerstein-Jarrot, Sheri Goebel, Phillip Grauman, Gary - R Gray-Panteleoni, Marissa Gutierrez-Thompson, Eileen Hamanaka, Keith Heitman, Doug

  • Princess Frog | Jewish Army 2005:7609020855 frog to date, freaks out 2.

  • 2hardknowks.blogspot.com/2015/02/princess-frog.html

  • Princess Frog | Jewish Army 2005:7609020855 frog to date, freaks out 2.

  • 2hardknowks.blogspot.com/2015/02/princess-frog.html

    Feb 10, 2015 - Steven Jay Jarrot, Rachel and Rocky Jarrot, Charles R. Jarrot, Jacqueline and Sunny Sima, Sheri, Daniel George, and the Super-Size: legends  ..
  • Flip the coins, good times to share, songs to sing. Once in hell with the whales on land, last a day and forever, hard to face the facts, that goodness and mercy was lost in this tribe of sinners and saints. Best to leave the snakes alone under the rocks, under the sand and surf, watching the ocean work day in and day out.

  • 2012 Reunion - MyEvent.com

  • ...Sheri Jarrot, Cum drips pussy lickers 2..

  • Miranda Dawn: Satan Designs: 7608512267

  • miranda-dawn.blogspot.com/2013/11/satan-designs.html

    Nov 12, 2013 - Sheri and Rachel Jarrot, just cows to buffalo, or fag hags one and two, fly on Malcolm Gerstein's dime, and steal cars with AAA. Perfect family?
  • Sheri Jarrot | La Quinta, California - Sales Spider

    Sheri Jarrot owner of phone number from La Quinta, CA, US.7603601613

  • Image result for There has to be a real male here who care for human inner beauty and integrity. Not the one.  Carl Lewis Breangh, king of the piles of shit, created from the dogs. Rats to roaches, roaches to deserts, faces in the crowds.

    Not the one, in his seventh decade, bald headed, big and fat, role model to teach, how to lose a toe or two, big and wide, hands to talk, out of fucks to give. Thinking Energetic.SCARY NEWS:๐Ÿ‘‹  I concur, great statement, great day to be alive, great day on the right side of the grave, great day, not to pushing up flowers in the gardens of the dead.Facebook.SCARY NEWS:Men and mice, cartoon hits of decades, faces in the mirror, son to shine, giants on land, retired also, house on the block, and time to spare.๐Ÿ‘‹ There has to be a real male here who care for human inner beauty and integrity.  

    Turkeys with...tricks, trades, brains lost in the winds. Long time ago, donkey date, back in time, pages to turn. Frank Agresti. Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. Turkeys without wings to fly. Tips and tales, chicks and babes, veterans to take on a run, nuts to dodge, trees to roots, family affairs, cows, hippos, and wales on land.Be strong be smart plan ahead if possible or if not then just leave take what you can carry one day youll look back and only regret not leaving sooner.A friend who can help.

    Heroes and Villains Article by Taki. Cow Wisdom",Life's Little Beefs.Steven Jarrot:7608512267: 5'11" weight 260 pounds:Lic #N9602690: SSN# 565 29 0428 or not, moot? DOB: 090462.I just saw a horrifying video of a mom in Syria crying over her dead child’s body. I’m not posting it here. It’s too nauseating.   In the video this grieving mother says, “I carried the dead body of my daughter and fled. America sold us out to Turkey.”  I have no words.Be strong be smart plan ahead if possible or if not then just leave take what you can carry one day youll look back and only regret not leaving sooner.A friend who can help.Facebook.SCARY NEWS:Men and mice, cartoon hits of decades, faces in the mirror, son to shine, giants on land, retired also, house on the block, and time to spare.๐Ÿ‘‹ There has to be a real male here who care for human inner beauty and integrity.  

    Heroes and Villains Article by Taki.To beat Christianity.Article by Sean Moran.Lol!! No ma’am I cannot accept this flattery ๐Ÿ˜ฌBreaking the Silence :Judaism 101: Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns. SCARY NEWS:๐Ÿ‘‹ Lol!! No ma’am I cannot accept this flattery ๐Ÿ˜ฌBreaking the Silence :Judaism 101:EVERYBODY is Obsessed with Throne: Kingdom at War.Tommy’s heart can’t handle this.   ๐Ÿ’”Be strong be smart plan ahead if possible or if not then just leave take what you can carry one day youll look back and only regret not leaving sooner.A friend who can help.Facebook.SCARY NEWS:Men and mice, cartoon hits of decades, faces in the mirror, son to shine, giants on land, retired also, house on the block, and time to spare.๐Ÿ‘‹ There has to be a real male here who care for human inner beauty and integrity.  

    Why not, drink the water, after the race, horses to water for the rewards, of a good run , for the good of the county. Help is waiting for you, ask for it, gifts to share with the cash on the table, gifts to share with the stories stuck in your hear.๐Ÿ‘‹Gabrielle Union Tweeted ๐Ÿ–‹️: Cant wait!! ??๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพ??๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ช?...Rats to roaches, crooks in white gloves, hats and horns. Police states.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚SCARY NEWS:๐Ÿ‘‹Woman for man, giants on land, leader of the band, retired, teacher, student, winner, loser, learner, roles played, over 6 decades, 60 years, baby boomer, the guy next door, back in the day.Be strong be smart plan ahead if possible or if not then just leave take what you can carry one day youll look back and only regret not leaving sooner.A friend who can help.

    Piss off, pissed on, sons of bitches, sons of hoes, hogs, suckers, family affairs, ways to grow.Voices, Values, Views, Great Hearts, Earth Angels, Hosts To Growth, Kids To Lessons..Battles And Wars Won:Save the kids of California from Children Protection Services.Oct. 30, 1985, Garfield's Halloween Adventure first aired on CBS. #80s Candy, candy, candy...Lol!! No ma’am I cannot accept this flattery ๐Ÿ˜ฌBreaking the Silence :Judaism 101:EVERYBODY is Obsessed with Throne: Kingdom at War.Tommy’s heart can’t handle this. ๐Ÿ’”Be strong be smart plan ahead if possible or if not then just leave take what you can carry one day youll look back and only regret not leaving sooner.A friend who can help.

    The Value of Neoconservative Opinion

    Article by Karen Kwiatkowski.Buddhist Vision. ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.thanks and happy festive dicks, dawgs, and dates,pages in a book… how great things are. It's all entertainment whether you tune in or tune out.Lol!! No ma’am I cannot accept this flattery ๐Ÿ˜ฌBreaking the Silence :Judaism 101: Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns. SCARY NEWS:๐Ÿ‘‹ Be strong be smart plan ahead if possible or if not then just leave take what you can carry one day youll look back and only regret not leaving sooner.A friend who can help.Facebook.SCARY NEWS:Men and mice, cartoon hits of decades, faces in the mirror, son to shine, giants on land, retired also, house on the block, and time to spare.๐Ÿ‘‹ There has to be a real male here who care for human inner beauty and integrity.  

    Bravo, Donald!

    A War Washington Might Finally Leave. Article by David Stockman.Buddhist Vision. ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can not be fixed. Cured Or Traded, Charms And Wits. Dense For Life: Tricks.thanks and happy festive dicks, dawgs, and dates,pages in a book…Lol!! No ma’am I cannot accept this flattery ๐Ÿ˜ฌBreaking the Silence :Judaism 101: Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns. SCARY NEWS:๐Ÿ‘‹  how great things are. It's all entertainment whether you tune in or tune out.
     ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ❤๐Ÿ˜ŠSo sorry for the lost hope and the people that were not able to get back up , and make a new plan to get out of dodge.Dances In The Dark, Spiders And Snakes, Tips And Tales: History Noted.๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ’”..

    ❤️❤️❤️๐Ÿ˜˜Notes of love and hate, sheep and goats, babies to be born, good times, lights in the sunshine. Talk to me. Seasons Of Joy,  Cali Dreamer.Son to shine, a king, or a knight, lover to keep, over the rainbows, over the bumps in the roads, over the good times, and the dazes in the dump. ❤️❤️❤️

    Son to shine,❤️๐Ÿ˜˜Hand, Hearts, Hits. Persistence Rules Pay.Read Hoods:Sister in shades, future bright, wishes on stars.White Witch ๐ŸŒ™✨Three things you should never break: Promises, Trust, and Someone's Heart.Heaven On Earth.Tips. pic 4 pic.

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